What's new in TestArchitect for Linux
The following new features and improvements are introduced in TestArchitect version 8.1 update 3 running on Linux.
- Before upgrading to the latest version of TestArchitect, it is strongly recommended that you back up all repositories.
- A TestArchitect client and any repository server to which it connects must be of the same version.
TestArchitect Automation
- All HTML input types are fully supported.
- New input types of the <input> element are supported as unique TA classes:
- <input-color>
- <input-date>
- <input-datetime>
- <input-datetime-local>
- <input-email>
- <input-month>
- <input-number>
- <input-range>
- <input-search>
- <input-tel>
- <input-time>
- <input-url>
- <input-week>
- New input types of the <input> element are supported as unique TA classes:
Enhancements to existing features
Each HTML <input> type control is now mapped directly into a unique TA class. (Note: In earlier versions of TestArchitect, this only applied to pre-HTML5 <input> type controls: that is, <input-button>, <input-password>, <input-text>, <input-submit>, <input-checkbox> and <input-radio> were mapped to distinct TA classes; all others were mapped into the general input-text TA class.)
If you captured HTML5 <input> type controls in a previous version of TestArchitect, your TA class mappings of those controls are no longer recognized by the current version in its default mode. You have two options:
Recommended: Recapture the controls so that they are mapped into their appropriate TA classes. (For example, remapping an <input-color> control will change its TA class mapping from the legacy input-text class to the new input-color class.)
Leave your legacy mappings intact and set the ignore html input types built-in setting to yes in all tests that interface with HTML5 <input> type controls.
Notes:ignore html input types built-in setting: Determines whether, during the test execution, the TA classes of legacy-captured HTML <input> type controls are taken into consideration.
enter built-in action is now applicable to these additional HTML <input> type controls:
- <input-datetime>
- <input-email>
- <input-number>
- <input-search>
- <input-tel>
- <input-url>
set built-in action is now applicable to these additional HTML <input> type controls.
- All <input> type controls supported by enter built-in action
- plus:
- <input-color>
- <input-date>
- <input-datetime-local>
- <input-month>
- <input-range>
- <input-time>
- <input-week>