Lesson #14: Connecting to a mobile device

This tutorial will guide you through the process of connecting to a mobile device using desired capabilities. With TA Viewer and Mobile Live Screen, you can interact or inspect controls on your devices.


  • Completed lesson #2 #3
  • Learn more how to set up Appium server on Android and iOS.

What you will learn:

  • How to input desired capabilities to connect to a mobile device.
  • How to import/export a desired capabilities file.
  • How to connect to a mobile device.

Inputting desired capabilities

Inputting desired capabilities to connect to a mobile device.

Importing/Exporting a desired capabilities file
After inputting all desired capabilities, you can export them to a JSON file for later reuse.

Connecting to a mobile device
Start a new connection to a mobile device, reconnect to that device, or connect to another device.

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