Lesson #3: Working with interface definitions

The exercises in this lesson guide you through the creation of a test that simulates a user logging into the sample application, populating a text field and clicking a button.

Audience: Testers, Automation engineers

Time: Duration: 2 hours


  • Basic understanding of the TestArchitect Client user interface
  • Familiarity with the TestArchitect test editor
  • Essential understanding of TestArchitect repositories, projects and tests

What you will learn:

  • How to read, create and maintain the interface entities and interface elements of TestArchitect interfaces.
  • Mapping and maintaining interface definitions with the TestArchitectInterface Viewer.
  • Using your interface definitions in a test.

Interface mapping
Interface definitions in TestArchitect perform the function of interface mapping, which is used to insulate tests from changes to a target application’s interface elements.

Creating interface definitions
Create interface definitions to enable a test to interact with an application window.

Interface Viewer
The Interface Viewer assists in capturing elements of an application interface and generating interface definitions.

Creating mappings with the Interface Viewer
Use the Interface Viewer to create mappings for user interface elements.

Using interface definitions
Write and execute a test that makes use of the interface definitions you have created.

Summary: What you learned

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