The debugger

With execution halted, the debugger toolbar offers various functional buttons to help you debug the action lines.


The functions of the debug toolbar’s buttons are as follows:

KeyDescriptionKeyboard shortcuts
DebugClick this button to run the test module in debug mode. Execution is paused at the next breakpoint, if any exists.N/A
PausePause the test execution.N/A
StopTerminate the test execution.N/A
Toggle BreakpointInsert or remove a breakpoint.Ctrl + Alt + B
Step OverExecute an action (or a “run test” test module) and break on the next line in the current test module or action definition. Even if the action is defined with a user-created action definition, do not break until execution returns from that action.Shift + F6
Step IntoIf the current action line calls a test module or an action definition, pause at the first action line inside the test module/action.Shift + F5
Step OutExecute all remaining action lines within the current test module/action. Do not break until control returns to the next action line of the calling test module or action definition (if it exists).Shift + F7
Call StackDisplay the current call stack. The call stack shows all levels of actions/test modules which are currently being executed and how they relate to each other.N/A
Debug InformationDisplay the result window.N/A

The Debug Information view

The Debug Information view allows you to monitor and manage the state of a test at its various stages. This view is displayed automatically when execution is paused in Debug mode. During debug, it can be toggled on and off by clicking the Debug Information button on the debugger toolbar. The view contains four tabs:

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