Invoking a user-scripted action
What it takes to access a user-scripted action from your test module.
From the perspective of a TestArchitect test module, a user-scripted action looks like any other action: the action line consists of the action name, followed by zero or more arguments. Hence, when writing an action line that calls a user-scripted action, one only has to know the name of the action and the arguments it expects.
If the action is entered correctly, and the build is set up properly, TestArchitect has no problem with calls to user-scripted actions during compilation and execution. When you enter such action lines that call actions, they appear in red text (indicating an unknown action), and argument headers are not automatically displayed.
actions, the stub action is empty. Hence the only function of a stub action is to declare an action name and its arguments, and make it easier for test writers to do their work.Related concepts