Using interface definitions

Write and execute a test that makes use of the interface definitions you have created.

Before proceeding: Ensure that you have created the interface entity my login as described in the preceding lesson.

In this exercise you will write a simple test case that uses your interface definitions for the Login window to enter text into the User name and Password fields. To do this you will create the following:

  1. In the TestArchitect explorer tree, select any item within the current project, then click Create new test module in the toolbar.

    The New Test Module dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name field, type My login test and click Create.

  3. 注意: 
    The new test module appears in the editor with a default template containing suggested basic components for a well-designed test. For this lesson, you only need the TEST CASE section.

    In the editor, delete all content except for the TEST CASE line. Optionally, you can also delete any blank lines above the TEST CASE line.

    You are now ready to begin writing your action lines.

  4. Enter the actions and arguments as described above:

Run your test against the Car Rental’s Login window:

  1. If you have not already done so, start the Car Rental application by selecting Start > All Programs > TestArchitect > Samples > Car Rental Application.

    The login window appears.

  2. Click Clear.

    This clears the text fields so that you can better see the effect of your test’s actions.

  3. With your test module displayed in the TestArchitect editor, click Execute on the toolbar.

    The Execute Test dialog box appears.

  4. Click Execute.

    The status bar indicates the stages of the test as it progresses. Upon test completion, the newly generated results page is displayed showing that the test case passed (only because no actual test was performed), and the login screen of the Car Rental application displays the text entered by your test:

Related concepts

Interface definitions

Interface definitions

Related tasks
Capturing interface definitions

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