Testing in the cloud

Using cloud computing, you can organize your own infrastructure to test applications in a cloud.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing, or on-demand computing, is an internet-based form of computing, where shared resources and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand. An important thing about the cloud model is that hardware, software and services are not purchased, but rented. A significant benefit is that the resources you need are available on demand and you only pay for those that you actually use.

In addition, all of the hardware and software are located in the providers’ data centers and are accessed via web interfaces, special software or special API’s.

Supported cloud computing services

制限: : 
Screenshot Recording is currently not supported on automated tests on mobile web. (See here for a detour solution.)

TestArchitect and Remote TestKit
You can use Remote TestKit to remotely rent a wide variety of Android and iOS smartphones, with over 350 popular models to choose from, situated in locations around the world.

TestArchitect and Appium
TestArchitect allows you to run automated tests on real devices in WebDriver based cloud services (Appium enabled).

TestArchitect and Browser Stack
Using TestArchitect, you can create and run automated tests for mobile web applications on Android and iOS cloud devices rented in the Browser Stack cloud service.

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LogiGear Corporation

1730 S. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94402

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