Working with checks

In TestArchitect, a check compares and verifies expected behavior against actual observed behavior during a test. It’s good practice to incorporate checks in test procedures to verify that the procedures are running as expected.

Currently, TestArchitect has multiple check actions that can be used to perform verifications of various types. For example:

  • If you expect a window to be launched in response to a user action, such as clicking on a button, you may wish to check for the presence of that window after the button is clicked.
  • When testing a web page, you may need to check the text value in the browser’s status bar against an expected value.

Built-in check actions list

The following is a full list of check actions – that is, actions whose outcomes are the registration of a Passed or Failed result – along with links to their respective reference pages:

ActionDescriptionSee also
checkCheck the displayed text in a control against an expected string value; in the base of Boolean-state controls, check the current state against an expected Boolean value.Text-display checks
check button menu existsCheck for the existence of a menu item of a button drop-down.Existence checks
check button menu not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specific menu item on a drop-down button .Existence checks
check clipboardCheck the text content of the test system’s clipboard against an expected value.System checks
check column header nameCheck the header value of a column against an expected value.Text-display checks
check context menu item existsCheck for the existence of an item on a context menu.Existence checks
check context menu item not existsCheck for the nonexistence of an item on a context menu.Existence checks
check context menu item stateValidate the current state(s) of a given menu item on a context menu.Property checks
check controls matchedCheck that all defined controls in an interface entity match the controls in a window of the AUT. 
check control existsCheck for the existence of a control.Existence checks
check control not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a control.Existence checks
check control propertyCapture the value of a specified property from a control, then compare it against an expected value.Property checks
check control tooltipCapture the tooltip text of a control and compare it against an expected string.Text-display checks
check displayed textCheck the text in a control against an expected text string.Text-display checks
check file existsCheck for the existence of a specified file.System checks
check file not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified file.System checks
check folder existsCheck for the existence of a specified folder.System checks
check folder not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified folder.System checks
check item existsCheck for the existence of a specified item in a list box, list view, or combo box control.Existence checks
check item not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified item in a list box, list view, or combo box control list box.Existence checks
check listbox checkedCheck the state of a check box item in a list box control.Status checks
check list cell valueCheck the text content of a cell in a list view against an expected value.Text-display checks
check list item orderCheck for the presence of a specified sequence of items in a control.Status checks
check list orderCheck that all the items of a control are sorted in either ascending or descending order.Status checks
check menu item existsCheck for the existence of an item on a menu.Existence checks
check native propertyCheck the value of a native property of a control against an expected value.Property checks
check patternCheck whether a string of text conforms to a specified pattern.Get actions
check pattern in textCheck whether the displayed text of a control contains a specified substring, or matches a specified regular expression.Get actions
check pattern not in textCheck whether the displayed text of a control contains a specified substring, or matches a specified regular expression.Get actions
check picker view component item countCheck the number of items in a component of a picker view control against an expected value.Status checks
check picker view item existsCheck, based on the displayed text content, for the existence of an item in a component of a picker view control.Existence checks
check picker view item not existsCheck, based on the displayed text content, for the nonexistence of an item in a component of a picker view control.Existence checks
check pictureCheck a bitmap area of the AUT’s current display against one or more stored baseline images. Result is Passed ifthe displayed image matches one of the baselines; otherwise Failed.Image checks
check picture existsCheck a bitmap area of the AUT’s current display for the presence of a given instance of a specified target image.Image checks
check picture not existsCheck a bitmap area of the AUT’s current display for the presence of a given instance of a specified target image.Image checks
check process not runningCheck that a specified process is not running on a mobile device.System checks
check process runningCheck that a specified process is running on a mobile device.System checks
check row itemCheck the contents of a row in a table.Text-display checks
check scrollbar existsCheck for the existence of a scroll bar in a control.Existence checks
check scrollbar not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a scroll bar in a control.Existence checks
check selected countCheck the number of the selected items in a multiple selection control (list box or list view) against an expected count.Status checks
check selected itemsCheck the selection status of specified items in a multiple selection control.Status checks
check selected picker view itemCheck whether the display text of the currently selected item of a specified picker view component matches an expected text string.Text-display checks
check status bar section stateCheck the state of a status bar section against an expected value.Status checks
check status bar section valueCheck the caption of a specified section of the status bar against an expected value.Text-display checks
check status bar valueCheck the text content of the first panel of a browser’s status bar against an expected value.Status checks
check table cell valueCheck the text content of a table cell against an expected value.Text-display checks
check table view cell existsCheck for the existence of a specified table view cell.Existence checks
check table view cell not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified table view cell.Existence checks
check table view cell valueCheck the contents of a table view cell against an expected text string.Text-display checks
check table view section existsCheck for the existence of a table view section as identified by its header text.Existence checks
check tab existsCheck for the existence of a tab item (a single tab in a tab bar) as identified by its caption.Existence checks
check tab not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a tab item (a single tab in a tab bar) as identified by its caption.Existence checks
check tab orderCheck the tab order* of several controls residing in a specified window.Status checks
check text containsCheck for the existence of a specified string of text within another string.Get actions
check text existsCheck for the existence of a given bitmap text fragment within a specified area of a bitmap.Optical Character Recognition checks
check text lineCheck a specified line of multi-line text content against a text string or regular expression.Get actions
check text not containsCheck the nonexistence of a specified string within another string.Get actions
check text not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a given bitmap text fragment in a specified area of a bitmap.Optical Character Recognition checks
check toast messageCheck the toast message on a mobile device against an expected string value.Text-display checks
check toolbar button existsCheck for the existence of a button on a toolbar.Existence checks
check toolbar button not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a button on a toolbar.Existence checks
check toolbar button stateCheck the state of a button on a toolbar against an expected state.Status checks
check toolbar control valueCheck the displayed text of a text box or a combo box control on a toolbar against an expected value.Text-display checks
check toolbar menu item existsCheck for the existence of an item on a drop-down menu hosted by a toolbar button (that is, a drop-down menu that appears when user clicks a button on a toolbar).Existence checks
check toolbar menu item not existsCheck for the nonexistence of an item on a drop-down menu hosted by a toolbar button (that is, a drop-down menu that appears when one clicks a button on a toolbar).Existence checks
check toolbar menu stateCheck, against an expected value, the state of an item on a drop-down menu hosted by a toolbar button (that is, a drop-down menu that appears when user clicks a button on a toolbar).Status checks
check trackbar valueCheck the value of a trackbar(slider) against an expected value.Status checks
check tree node existsCheck for the existence of a specified tree node.Existence checks
check tree node menu stateCheck the state of a specified menu item on a context menu of a tree node against an expected value.Status checks
check tree node not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified tree node.Existence checks
check tree node statusCheck the current status of a tree node.Status checks
check valueCheck the contents of an argument against an expected value.Get actions
check window existsCheck for the existence of a specified window.Existence checks
check window not existsCheck for the nonexistence of a specified window.Existence checks
check window propertyCheck the value of a specified TA property of a window against an expected value.Property checks
check xml query resultCheck an XPath query result against an expected string.Get actions
manual checkDisplay a modal dialog box asking user to perform a manual check. 
report checkRegister a Passed or Failed check result in the test results, accompanied by user-defined text.Get actions

The following topics provide more information about TestArchitect check actions.

Existence checks
How to work with checks that verify the existence of windows, controls, or items in an AUT.

Text-display checks
Working with checks that verify expected text in a control.

Status checks
How to implement test scripts that verify the status of a control.

Property checks
How to make property checks of specified windows or controls.

Image checks
How to create test procedures that compare images.

System checks
How to create test procedures that verify your test machine’s system data, including operating system, clipboard, files, and folders.

Optical Character Recognition checks
How to create a test procedure that verifies text on a control using Optical Character Recognition.

Get actions
Use the get built-in action together with the check built-in action to retrieve and check a value against an expected value.

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