Node-locked licenses
A node-locked license is tied to a specific machine for a certain period of time, but, within some constraints, may be reassigned.
A node-locked license is one that is granted to a specific machine. During a set period of time after assignment, the license is locked into that machine – that is, it cannot be reassigned, whether or not the assignee is using it, and regardless of the demand for it by others.
Unlike a dedicated host-based license, a machine with a node-locked license has Universal license usage rights (learn more), as determined by the type of license purchased.
Assigning a node-locked license
Assigning a node-locked license binds that license to a machine for a given period of time.
Transferring a node-locked machine license
Within certain limits, you are free to transfer a node-locked license from one machine to another, as you might wish to do when upgrading to a new test machine.