clear ocr setting
Reset the adjustable OCR settings to their respective default values.
There are no arguments for this action.
This action may be used within the following project items: test modules and user-defined actions.
fill color min edge length linking distance
set ocr setting 296,129|128;271,566|128;0,0|128; 50 50
window control rect text index text color
check text exists home Churchy Joes FEFEFE
clear ocr setting
1 In the case of iOS device testing, the units are points, not pixels.
- This built-in action resets any OCR settings whose values have been modified by any prior invocations of action set ocr setting.
- On an iOS device, the default logical coordinate space is measured using points. Therefore, all values are specified in points instead of pixels.
- clear ocr setting sets the following values:
- min edge length: 50pixels .
- linking distance: 50%.
inverse color range: 128.
In addition, the fill color setting is cleared of any points (x,y coordinates) it may contain.