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Host-based licenses
Host-based licensing is appropriate when it is unacceptable for a host to be denied a license from the license server. Host-based licensing allows a host to receive a license even when the pool of available floating licenses has been exhausted.
A dedicated host-based license is created by converting a floating license into a license that is tied to a particular host (learn more). When a floating license is converted in this way, the pool of floating licenses is decreased by one. A host with a dedicated host-based license has a lock on that particular license and no other client or controller can use the license, even when the pool of floating licenses has been completely allocated.
- Host A requests a license and is granted 1 floating license; available floating license pool decreases to 1.
- Host B requests a license and is granted 1 floating license; available floating license pool decreases to 0.
- Host C requests a license and is granted the host-based license reserved for it.
- Host D requests a license but is declined, as the pool of available floating licenses is now empty.
- Host E requests a license and is granted the host-based license reserved for it.